Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) |
References | |
All references given on my site are noted by a L with number if it´s a book (upper part of this list) and and N with number if it´s an internet site (lower part).
Books (L) related to Ukiyo-e and Kunisada:
no. |
Author |
Title |
Place |
Year |
1 |
Heckmanns, Friedrich W. |
Ukiyo-e. Japanische Farbholzschnitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Schenkung Dr. Hans Luehdorf |
Duesseldorf |
1990 |
2 |
Lane, Richard |
Images from the floating world. The Japanese print. Including an illustrated dictionary of Ukiyo-e. |
Fribourg (Swiss) |
1978 |
3 |
Schmidt, Steffi |
Surimono. Kostbare japanische Farbholzschnitte aus dem Museum fuer ostasiatische Kunst. |
Berlin |
1990 |
5 |
Hillier, Jack |
Japanische Farbholzschnitte. Mit fuenfzig Farbtafeln. |
Herrsching |
nn |
7 |
Alber, Zofia-Maria |
Japanische Farbholzschnitte aus dem Nationalmuseum Krakau |
Frankfurt |
1990 |
8 |
Goepper, Roger |
Meisterwerke des japanischen Farbholzschnitts. Hokusai, Eisen, Hiroshige, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi |
Koeln |
1973 |
13 |
Rappard-Boon, Charlotte |
Japanese Prints IV. Hiroshige and the Utagawa School. Catalouge of the Collection of Japanese Prints. |
Amsterdam |
1984 |
16 | Fahr-Becker, Gabriele (Hrsg.) | Japanische Farbholzschnitte | Köln | 1993 |
17 |
Neurer, Roni and others |
Ukiyo-e. 250 ans d´estampes japonaises. |
Paris |
1985 |
19 |
Peet, C.P.J. Van der |
Sales Exhibition Japanese Woodblockprints |
Amsterdam |
1988 |
20 |
Kondo, Eiko |
Ukiyo-e Bilder der vergaenglichen Welt. Japanische Holzschnitte aus der Sammmlung Winzinger |
Regensburg |
1990 |
27 |
Kakegawa, Ninomaru | Egakareta Kakegawa: ukiyo-e hanga | nn | nn |
31 |
Kurth, Julius |
Der japanische Holzschnitt. |
Muenchen |
1922 |
34 |
Uspenski, Michail | Hiroshige. Hundert Ansichten von Edo | Bournemouth | 1997 |
36 |
Newland, Amy |
Ukiyo-e to Shin hanga. The Art of Japanese Woodblock Prints. |
London |
1990 |
38 |
Brockhaus, Christoph |
Japanische Farbholzschnitte des 19. Jahrhunderts aus dem Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum Duisburg. |
Duisburg |
1997 |
40 |
Izaard, Sebastian |
Kunisadas World |
nn |
1993 |
43 |
Chriesties New York |
Japanese Prints, Paintings and Screens. 11/24/97 |
New York |
1997 |
44 |
Chriesties New York |
Japanese Screens, Paintings and Prints. 10/27/98 |
New York |
1998 |
46 |
Sothebys New York |
Japanese Prints, Paintings and Work of Art. 11/19/97 |
New York |
1997 |
47 |
Sothebys New York |
Japanese Works of Art. Prints, Paintings and Screens. 06/18/90 |
New York |
1990 |
48 |
Sothebys New York |
Fine Japanese Prints and Books. 06/04/92 |
New York |
1992 |
49 |
Sothebys New York |
Japanese Works of Art, Prints, Paintings and Screens. 04/24/99 |
New York |
1999 |
50 |
Butterfield and Butterfield |
Fine Japanese Works of Art |
San Franciso |
1991 |
52 |
Doesburg, Jan van |
What about Kunisada? |
Dodewaard |
1990 |
53 |
Robinson, B.W. |
Kunisada An Artist in the Kabuki Theatre |
Helsinki |
1985 |
56 |
Shino, Shigeru |
Gototei Kunisada: the actor portraits |
Tokyo ? |
1993 |
58 |
Tinois, Ellis |
Mirror of the Stage The actor prints of Kunisada |
Leeds |
1996 |
59 |
Seikado Bunko Library |
Utagawa Kunisada |
Japan |
1996 |
60 |
nn |
50 Impressions Japanese Colour Woodblock Prints |
London |
1993 |
61 |
Hiraki Ukiyoe Museum |
Meiyu de tsuzura Kiso Kaido (The Kiso route together with famous actors) |
Yokohama |
1997 |
62 |
Suzuki, Juzo |
Materworks of Ukiyo-e. The Decadents |
Tokyo, Palo Alto |
1969 |
64 |
Uhlenbeck, Chris |
Hotei Japanese Prints. Cat. no. 17 |
Leiden |
2000 |
65 |
Hempel, Rose e.a. |
Ukiyo-e. Die Kunst der heiteren vergaenglichen Welt. Die
Essen |
1972 |
66 |
Keyes, Roger |
The Male Journey in Japanese Prints |
Berkeley, LA, |
1989 |
67 |
Luijten, Ger e.a. |
The Beauty and the Actor |
Leiden |
1995 |
68 |
Paton, Beverley |
Ukiyo-e. Japanese Wood-block Prints |
Johannesburg |
1991 |
70 |
nn | Konjaku kabuki meiyuten (Kunisada large head portraits) | Japan | nn |
71 |
van Rappard-Boon, Charlotte | Catalogue of the Van Gogh Museum´s collection of Japanese prints | Zwolle, NL | 1991 |
72 | nn | Ukiyo-e bijinga meihin ten, Ota Memorial Museum | nn | nn |
73 | H. Egenolf, E. Danechild | Japanese woodblock prints, Exibition Catalogue | Duesseldorf | 1986 |
74 | nn | Yakusha Natsu no Fuji: kesho o otoshita ... from Hiraki Ukiyo-e Museum | Japan | nn |
75 | Speiser, Werner | Kuniyoshi, Kunisada (Kunstmuseum Duesseldorf) | Duesseldorf | nn |
76 | Hempel, Rose | Holzschnittkunst Japans, Landschaft, Mimen, Kurtisanen | Stuttgart | 1963 |
77 | Nigel Cawthorne | Ukiyo-e - Die Kunst des japanischen Farbholzschnitts | Augsburg, Germany | 1998 |
78 | Polster, Edythe, Marks, Alfred H. | Surimono - Prints by elbow | Washington | 1980 |
79 | Fukuda, Kazuhiko | Enshoku Genji e (Genji prints) | Japan | nn |
81 | Friedrich B. Schwan | Handbuch Japanischer Holzschnitt | München, Germany | 2003 |
82 | W. Hartmann | Japanische Holzschnitt Triptychen | Zürich | 1936 |
108 | Calza, Gian Carlo | Ukiyoe - il mondo fluttuante | Milani | 2004 |
109 | Fäthke, Bernd e.a. | Jawlenskys japanische Holzschnittsammlung | Bad Homburg, Germany | 1992 |
110 | Hashimoto, Kenichiro e.a. | L'age d'or de l'estampe Japonaise | nn, France | 1985 |
111 | Bowie, Theodore e.a. | Art of Surimono | Indiana, USA | 1979 |
112 | Schindler, Werner | Egoyomi et surimono | Bienne, Suisse | 1983 |
113 | Salzmann, Siegfried e.a. | Szenen aus dem alten Japan Bd. I | Bremen, Germany | 1990 |
114 | Kozyreff, Chantal e.a. | Estampes Japonaises | Bruxelles, Belgium | 1989 |
115 | Kondo, Eiko | Stampe e disegni giapponesi die seccoli XVIII-XIX | Firenze, Italy | 1980 |
116 | Geneviève Aitken, e.a. | La collection d´estampes japonaises de Claude Monet | Lausanne, Suisse | 2003 |
117 | Ryota, Katsuhara | Ukiyo-e Utagawa ha (Ukiyo-e prints of later Utagawa artists) | Nagoya, Japan | 1990 |
118 | NN | Exhibtion of kabuki-e from the Tobu Museum of Art | nn, Japan | 1999 |
119 | NN | Utagawa Kunisada: Ozaki Kyuka | Nagoya, Japan | 2005 |
120 | NN | Japonski Lesorezi - Japanese Woddblock prints | Ljubljana | 2005 |
121 | Honcoopova, Helena | Kunisada - mistr pozdniho japonskeho drevorezu | Prag | 2005 |
123 | NN |
浮世絵ー江戸歌舞伎の世界展/國貞を中心に Ukiyo-e : Edo kabuki no sekai ten : Kunisada o chūshin ni |
Japan | 2006 |
124 | NN | Japanese Sumo brochure, title unread | Japan | ? |
125 | NN | Edo Sumo Nishiki-e | Japan | 1986 |
126 | NN | 相撲浮世絵 - Sumo Ukiyo-e | Japan | ? |
128 | Andreas Marks, Stephen Addiss | Japanese woodblock prints - Artists, publishers and masterworks | North Clarendon | 2010 |
Reference about Japanese woodblock carvers: |
WWW-sites (N) related to Ukiyo-e and Kunisada:
Some more links you can find at Hans Olof Johannsen´s site: "A guide to the Ukiyo-e Sites ot the Internet" - the very best site for links related to Ukiyo-e.
Another helpful site is Jerry Vegder's ones. It
is primarily a commercial site but provides also a growing list of index and
glossary pages including Edo time publishers.
Here you find the Japanese
characters for some other Ukiyo-e artits:
"Japanese writings"
1 |
Ebay Inc |
San Jose, California, USA |
2 |
Asian Collection Japanese Print Auction |
Glouster, USA |
3 |
Auction Ukiyo-e |
London, GB |
6 |
Edo Prints Gallery (Jean-Marie Haessle) http://www.edoprints.com |
New York, USA |
9 |
Rolf M. Degener Gallery |
Duesseldorf, Germany |
10 |
Arts and Designs of Japan |
San Franciso, USA |
11 |
Tokugawa Gallery |
Fort Dodge, USA |
12 |
Kunsthandel Kleefisch |
Koeln, Germany |
13 |
Allinson Gallery |
Storrs, USA |
14 |
The Art of Japan |
Mountain View; USA |
15 |
Floating World Gallery |
16 |
Carolyn Staley Fine Prints |
Seattle, USA |
17 |
Castle Fine Arts |
San Francisco, USA |
18 |
Davidson Galleries |
Seattle, USA |
19 |
Herbert Egenolff Gallery |
Germany |
20 |
Kamimura Gallery |
Toronto, Canada |
21 |
Stuart Jackson Gallery |
Toronto, Canada |
22 |
Things Japanese http://www.thingsjapanese.com/ |
New York city, USA |
24 |
Edo no iki Gallery |
Sweden |
27 |
Bayly Art Museum |
? |
29 |
Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum |
Japan |
31 |
Ronin Gallery Japancollection |
New York ,USA |
34 |
Sothebys Online Auction |
37 |
John Fiorillos site |
39 |
Theo de Kreijger |
NL |
41 |
Gallery Tanakaya |
Paris, France |
42 |
Buchhandlung und Antiquariat Mephisto |
Unna, Germany |
43 |
Others (references with less then 5 prints) |
45 |
Gallery Doster |
Tuebingen, Germany |
47 |
Surimono-Gallery Lella and Gianni Mora |
Italy |
51 |
Trocadero |
54 |
Mita Arts |
Japan |
56 |
College of Philadelphia |
Philadelphia, USA |
57 |
Kiseido.com The History of Go in Ukiyo-e |
? |
58 |
Richard Kruml Ukiyo-e |
London, GB |
59 |
Huys den Esch |
NL |
60 |
C´s Ukiyo-e Museum |
Nagano, Japan |
62 |
Sumo-Museum (banzuke.com) |
? |
63 |
Collection of the Pola Insitute |
? |
64 |
Saru Gallery |
NL |
67 | Petrie Rogers Gallery | USA |
69 |
Regis "Shoriya" Kabuki-site http://www.ifrance.com/kabuki/main.htm |
France |
72 |
Greenhill Antiques http://www.greenhillgalleriesadelaide.com.au |
Australia |
73 |
Fitzwilliams Museum http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/ |
Cambridge, GB |
75 |
artelino http://www.artelino.com/Default.asp |
Pullach, Germany |
76 | Nara Museum | Japan |
77 | Ukiyo-e Gallerie - Sigmaringen | Sigmaringen, Germany |
78 | The floating world of Ukiyo-e (Library of Congress) | Washingthon DC, USA |
80 | Thoshusai, Original Ukiyoe Gallery | Tokyo, Japan |
81 |
Kotubuki, Gallery and Auction http://www.kotobuki.de |
München, Germany |
82 | National Diet Library | Tokyo, Japan |
83 | Hotei, Japanese prints | Leiden, Netherlands |
84 | Art of Japan | New York, USA |
85 | Ibasen | Tokyo, Japan |
86 | Sammlung Seiler/collection Seiler | Erlangen, Germany |
88 | Japan Print Gallery | London, UK |
89 | JPAA - auction | Japan |
90 | Pinturas - Spanish site | Spain |
91 | renatamisic, an ebay seller | London, UK |
93 | Margot Lörcher, Japanische Farbholzschnitte | Germany |
94 | Gallery Scholten | |
95 |
Japanese Print Auction http://www.japaneseprintauction.com |
London, UK |
97 | Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University | Japan |
98 |
John Adams - Japanese Prints http://www.adamsjapaneseprints.com |
100 | Embark-Webkiosk | USA |
101 |
Galerie am Haus der Kunst - Monika Schmidt www.japankunst.de |
Muenchen, Germany |
106 |
Harashobo http://www.harashobo.com |
Japan |
108 |
Intnernational Research Center for Japanese Studies
(Nichibunken) http://www.nichibun.ac.jp/graphicversion/dbase/japan_e.html |
Japan |
109 |
Los Angeles County Museum of Art http://collectionsonline.lacma.org/mwebcgi/mweb.exe?request=browsetop |
Los Angeles, USA |
110 |
van der Peet http://www.japanmasterprints.com/ |
Amsterdam, NL |
111 |
Ukiyoe-Gallery - Fine Japanese Woodblock Prints http://www.ukiyoe-gallery.com/ |
Salem, USA |
112 |
Kunsthandlung Zacke www.zacke.at |
Vienna, Austria |
113 |
Japanese Sumo site www.sumo-nishikie.jp/sumo1/index.html |
Japan |
114 |
Östereichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst http://sammlungen.mak.at/maksdbweb/servlet/start.state |
Vienna, Austria |
115 |
Yahoo auctions http://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/ |
Japan |
116 |
Yamada Shoten http://www.yamada-shoten.com/ |
Japan |
117 |
Art Yoshikiri http://www.artyoshikiri.jp/index.html |
Japan |
118 | Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde | Leiden, Netherlands |
119 |
Robyn Buntin http://www.robynbuntin.com/ |
Honolulu, Hawaii |
120 | ARC-Ritsumeikan | Japan |
121 |
Boston Museum http://www.mfa.org/collections/search_art.asp?coll_package=30744 |
122 |
Japan Ukiyo-e Museum/JUM http://homepage.mac.com/sakai_nobuo/Menu159.html |
Matsumoto-City, Japan |
128 |
Yale University Art Gallery's http://ecatalogue.art.yale.edu/search.htm |
134 |
British Museum online database http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/search_the_collection_database.aspx |
London, GB |
135 |
Harvard Art Museum Collection http://www.harvardartmuseum.org/collection/ |
Harvard, USA |
136 |
Auckland Art Gallery http://collection.aucklandartgallery.govt.nz/collection/simpleSearch.page.do |
Auckland, New Zealand |
137 |
University of Michigan Museum of Art http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/i/image/image-idx?c=musart;back=back1236592814;size=50;page=search |
Michigan, USA |
138 |
Honolulu Academy of Art http://www.honoluluacademy.org/cmshaa/academy/index.aspx |
Honolulu, USA |
139 |
Morimiya Antique Art http://morimiya.net |
Japan |
140 |
Provinz Ishibi http://www.ishibi.pref.ishikawa.jp/syozou/ukiyoehanga/index.html |
Japan |
141 |
Finnish National Gallery http://kokoelmat.fng.fi/wandora/w?action=gen&lang=en |
Helsinki, Finnland |
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) - References