Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III)

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"The 69 Stations of the Kisokaido"

Kiso rokujūkū eki / 木曽六十九駅

last updated:

new information: 05/17/11

From Kunisada only this "Kisokaido" series is known. He designed it to the end of the year of the rat (=1852). The series includes 71 half-length actor portraits and one title page.

The series is published in a small exhebition catalogue from 1997: Meiyu de tsuzuru Kiso kaido (The Kiso route together with famous actors), Hiraki Ukiyo-e Museum, Yokohama. In this booklet all data to the prints are given.

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Kisokaido Part One (Data)

index page

index page
(actors and roles)
the page is the index for three different series
the lower row is for this series

Kisokaido Part Two (Data)

Kisokaido Part One 
Kisokaido Part Two 

Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) - series and prints